Activities focusing on scientific research in the field of biotechnology are included in the operation Statistics for Research and Development in Biotechnology, wherein the resources (human and material) employed in these types of activities are calculated for companies, universities and other centres that are dependencies of public research bodies working in this field. The data also includes the main uses of biotechnology, the areas of application of the products obtained and the main difficulties encountered in terms of the development of R&D in biotechnology.
Latest press release
Reference period > 2023
Last update > 12/17/2024
Next update: > 12/2025
Expenditure on internal R&D biotechnology (Thousands €) (2023)
Full-time Equivalent Jobs in expenditure on internal R&D biotechnology (2023)
Personnel FTE dedicated to R&D in biotechnology in the Basque Country, by sex
0 400 800 1.200 1.600 2.000 2.400 0 400 800 1.200 1.600 2.000 2.400