The Survey on the Homeless operation (EPSH) gives information on the situation of homeless people aged 18 and over living in the municipalities of the Basque Country and who attend centres that offer accommodation and/or catering services; this group, objective of social intervention policies, is the centre of statistical information in this section.
Statistics on resources for the homeless offer information on centres that carry out activity for this collective in the sphere of social services in the Basque Country. They study the main characteristics of these centres, referring to provisions offered, capacity, population attended to, orientation, timetable, annual activity period, as well as human resources, expenditure and funding. Furthermore, this operation serves as a base for the sample selection of the survey on the homeless.
Latest press release
Reference period > 2022
Last update > 09/26/2023
Homeless in the Basque Country
0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000