Directory of economic activities and business demography


Directory of Economic Activities
The Directory of Economic Activities operation (DIRAE) collects information from all the establishments that carry out Economic activities in the Basque Country; provides basic structural information on the sectors of economic activity and serves as a framework of reference for the implementation of sector censuses and surveys; it also allows the analysis of the population employed in the establishments of the community. At present it does not include the activities of the households that employ domestic staff and extraterritorial bodies.

The Statistics regarding company start-ups and closures
The Statistics regarding company start-ups and closures seeks to quantify the number of companies and establishments that are created and closed over time, according to the different economic sectors, territorial spheres and other characteristics of those units, and the legal entity or its size. This demographics information is directly obtained from the Directory of Economic Activities and also provides the start-up and closure rates over time.

Consult by selecting values Updated  
Establishments in the Basque Country by territorial area and branch of activity (A10). 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by province, district and CNAE-2009. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by municipality and CNAE-2009. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by municipality, activity (A10), legal status and individuals employed stratum. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by province and district, activity (A21), legal status and individuals employed stratum. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Individuals employed in establishments in the Basque Country by territorial area. 1995 - 202411/28/2024Download
Individuals employed in establishments in the Basque Country by province and activity (A21). 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Individuals employed in establishments in the Basque Country by province and district and legal status. 1995 - 202411/28/2024Download
Individuals employed in establishments in the Basque Country by province, activity section (A21) and sex. 2018 - 202411/28/2024Download
Companies in the Basque Country by social headquarters, activity (A21), legal status and employment stratum of the Basque Country. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Companies in the Basque Country by social headquarters and CNAE-2009. 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Employment in the Basque Country by social headquarters and activity (A21). 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Employment in the Basque Country by legal status, and activity (A10). 2008 - 202411/28/2024Download
Employment in the Basque Country by social headquarters and legal status. 1995 - 202411/28/2024Download
Business demography
Registered establishments in the Basque Country by province, economic activity (A21), legal status and employment stratum. 2009 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments removed from records in the Basque Country by province, economic activity (A21), legal status and employment stratum. 2009 - 202411/28/2024Download
Registered companies in the Basque Country by registered office, economic activity (A21), legal status and employment stratum of the Basque Country. 2009 - 202411/28/2024Download
Companies removed from record in the Basque Country by registered office, economic activity (A21), legal status and employment stratum of the Basque Country. 2009 - 202411/28/2024Download
Establishments CNAE-93
Establishments in the Basque Country by territorial area and branch of activity (A7, CNAE-93). 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by province, district and CNAE-93. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by municipality and CNAE-93. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by municipality, activity (A7, CNAE-93), legal status and employment stratum. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Establishments in the Basque Country by province and district, activity (A17, CNAE-93), legal status and employment stratum. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Employment in establishments in the Basque Country by province and activity (A17, CNAE-93). 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Companies in the Basque Country by social headquarters, activity (A17, CNAE-93), legal status and employment stratum in the Basque Country. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Companies in the Basque Country by social headquarters and CNAE-93. 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Employment in companies in the Basque Country by social headquarters and activity (A17, CNAE-93). 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
Employment in companies in the Basque Country by legal status and activity (A17, CNAE-93). 1995 - 200901/18/2018Download
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