The operation Other market services index (MSI) offers a set of short-term indicators of the evolution of sales and employed personnel in the Market Services sector in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, both at current prices and at constant prices. Sales are also estimated by Historical Territory. The other market services sector includes transport and storage activities, hotels and catering, information and communication services, as well as professional, scientific and technical activities and administrative and auxiliary services. Sections G, H, I, J, M and N of the National Classification of Economic Activities, CNAE-2009.
The indices adjusted for calendar effects offer comparable estimates on a year-on-year basis, whilst for quarter-on-quarter comparisons, the seasonally adjusted indices are provided.
Latest press release
Reference period > IV/2024
Last update > 02/14/2025
Next update: > 05/16/2025
Inter-annual variation (%) (IV/2024)
Inter-quarterly variation (%) (IV/2024)
Other market services index of the Basque Country by Territory
Combination chart with 9 data series.
Deseasonalised data. Constant prices (b2021=100)
The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and navigator-x-axis.
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying values, and navigator-y-axis.
End of interactive chart.