Press Release 06/26/2015
In 2013 the income of the Basque Administrations rose by 0.1%
Total Expenditure fell by 0.6%
The total consolidated income of the Basque Administrations (made up of the Basque Government, the Provincial Councils and Municipal Administrations, together with their corresponding Autonomous Bodies and supra and infra-municipal Entities) rose 0.1% in 2013, according to Eustat data.
However, expenditure presented a slightly downward trend of -0.6% in 2013. This meant that the Non-Financial Budgetary Balance went from -293 million euros in 2012 to -105 million euros in 2013, an improvement of 188 million euros.
Income from current operations fell by 0.4%, as did income from capital operations which were down by 2.4%. As a result, the total income from non-financial operations was down by 0.4% with respect to 2012.
Recognised duties from financial operations were up by 5.0%, mostly due to the growth in financial liabilities that went from 1 billion 482.2 million euros in 2012 to 1 billion 549.3 million in 2013.
In expenditure, recognised liabilities in 2013 for current operations rose by 1.8%. Staff expenditure, which accounted for 21.4% of total expenditure, was up by 3.9%, as were current transfers, which accounted for 28.5% of total expenditure and rose by 3.4% with respect to 2012. Other Current Expenses dropped by 0.7%, but with opposite trends within its components: expenditure on current goods and services was down by 1.2%, whilst financial expenditure rose by 8.5%, reaching 308 million euros in 2013.
The income analysis indicates that the recognised duties for VAT rose by 3.0% between 2012 and 2013, to represent 34.9% of total tax revenues. The second most important element, with an almost identical revenue to VAT, was personal income tax (IRPF), which fell by 1.4%. In third and fourth place, respectively, were Special Taxes and Corporation Tax, both rising in 2013: Special Taxes by 1.5% and Corporation Tax by 5.5%. Municipal taxes rose by 2.5%.
The outstanding debt of the Basque Public Administrations stood at 9 billion 889.7 million euros on 31 December 2013. The new liabilities acquired in 2013 increased to 1 billion 602.4 million, while depreciations amounted to 517.7 million. The debt-to-GDP ratio in 2013 was 15.0%.
The number of personnel registered on 31 December 2013 at the Basque Administrations – comprising the Basque Government, the Provincial Councils and the Municipal Administrations, together with their corresponding Autonomous Bodies and supra and infra-municipal Entities – was 68,085 people, 0.6% fewer than in 2012.
If the other bodies that form part of the Basque public sector – public companies, non-profit foundations and institutions, universities and other public bodies – are added, the number of workers rises to 123,476 people, 1.1% fewer than in 2012. The distribution between men and women was the same as in previous years: 60.9% of staff were women, and 39.1 % were men. As regards the employment relationship, 68.6% were in permanent positions.
For further information:
Eustat - Euskal Estatistika Erakundea / Basque Statistics Institute
C/ Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Press Service: Tel: 945 01 75 62
Further press releases on Public Sector Budgetary Statistics of the Basque Country 2010
Databank on Public Sector Budgetary Statistics of the Basque Country