Press Release 05/03/2014
The Construction sector in the Basque Country fell by 5.8% in the fourth quarter of 2013
In 2013 overall there was a negative variation of 16.3% with respect to the previous year
Construction activity in the Basque Country registered a year-on-year nominal downturn of 5.8% in the fourth quarter of 2013, in homogeneous terms of the working calendar, according to EUSTAT data.
Once corrected for seasonal effects, the Construction sector was up by 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to the third quarter of the same year.
The drop in the Construction sector, in the fourth quarter of 2013, was mainly due to both the negative performance of the Building subsector, which registered a year-on-year downturn of 4.6%, and the 7.9% fall posted by Civil Works.
In quarter-on-quarter terms, if the activity of the sector in the third quarter of 2013 is compared to the previous quarter, the Building subsector had a positive evolution of 2.7%, whereas the Civil Works subsector posted a slight decrease of 0.2%.
Employment in the Construction sector experienced a decrease of 1.5% compared to the third quarter of 2013.
Annual balance
In 2013 overall, the Construction Index posted a fall of 16.3% with regards to the previous year. The two subsectors registered a similar performance, which was more negative in the Building sector. Specifically, the Building subsector was down by 17.4% and Civil Works registered a downturn of 14.3% in relation to 2012.
For further information:
Eustat - Euskal Estatistika Erakundea / Instituto Vasco de Estadística
C/ Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Press Service: Tlf: 945 01 75 62
Further press releases on Construction index of the Basque Country (ICC)
Database on Construction index of the Basque Country (ICC)