Press release 31.05.12


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In 2010 the trade sector contributed 5496 million euros to the GDP of the Basque Country, accounting for 14% of total employment

The turnover figure for the same period stood at 32,509 million euros

The trade sector contributed 5496 million euros to the GDP of the Basque Country, with Wholesale trade contributing 2530 million, Retail trade contributing 2460 million and Sales and repairs of vehicles contributing 506 million euros. Personnel employed in the sector stood at 137,178 individuals, which represented 14% of total employment.

With reference to turnover, out of the total of 32,509 million euros, 2981 million corresponded to activities relating to Sales and repair of vehicles (9.2%), and 17,225 to Wholesale trade (53%) with Retail trade accounting for the remaining 12,303 (37.8%).

Distribution of personnel employed in the trade sector in the Basque Country. 2010

The employed personnel (the 137,178 aforementioned individuals) were divided as follows: 13,467 (9.8%) were employed in the branch of Sales and repair of vehicles, 45,427 (33.1%) were employed in Wholesale trade and 78,284 individuals (57.1%) were employed in Retail trade.

By province, 14.5% (19,882) corresponded to Álava, 52.7% (72,348) corresponded to Bizkaia and the remaining 32.8% (44,948) corresponded to Gipuzkoa.

Main variables of Trade and Repairs. Thousands €. 2010

Wholesale trade generated the largest part of the wealth of the trade sector in 2010, with 46.0%, Retail trade contributed 44.8% and Sales and Repairs of vehicles proportioned 9.2%.

This sectorial distribution of added value varied by province and, therefore, whilst in Álava and Bizkaia Wholesale trade made the largest contribution to provincial wealth, with 47.8% and 46.6%, respectively, in Gipuzkoa it was Retail trade that contributed the most, with 45.8%.

Sales per individual for the trade sector as a whole stood at 236,983 euros, reaching a value added per person of 40,065 euros. The highest figures relating to sales and value added per person corresponded to Wholesale trade, standing at 379,178 and 55,702 euros, with figures corresponding to the Sale and repair of vehicles standing at an intermediate level of 221,341 and 37,560 euros and, finally, it was the Retail trade figures that were the lowest, standing at 157,161 and 31,423 euros in sales and added value per person.

As with the aforementioned magnitudes, an inter-provincial homogeneity and a greater inter-sectorial disparity can be observed in personnel costs per person. The lowest personnel costs per person were seen in the Retail trade sector, standing at 18,617 euros. One step up were those corresponding to Sales and repair of vehicles, at 27,414 euros and for Wholesale trade this figure stood at 33,692 euros per person.

The commercial margin on sales for the trade sector as a whole stood at 24%, with no noticeable differences between provinces. The sector that showed a greater commercial margin on sales was Retail trade with a percentage of 29%, followed by Wholesale trade with 21%. The Sales and repair of vehicles sector presented a more reduced margin of 15%.

The gross corporate surplus stood at 38.9% of the wealth generated by the sector, with the remaining 61.1% destined towards remuneration of the employment factor. This remuneration of the employment factor was greater in Sales and repair of vehicles, where it accounted for 73.0% of Gross Added Value. The percentage is more similar in the case of Wholesale and Retail trade, where it stood at 60.5% and 59.2%, respectively.

Regarding the results of the financial year, it totalled 1497 million euros, with 81 million coming from the Sale and repair of vehicles, 686 million from Wholesale trade and 731 million from Retail trade.

Employed personnel, Added Value and Sales per group. Thousands €. 2010

A more detailed analysis of the results of an activity (3 CNAE digits) reveals that some of these groups stand out both for their volume within the activity branch they are situated in and the trade total.

So, in the Sales and repair of vehicles we can draw attention both to the Sales of motor vehicles and the Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. The sum of both accounted for 84.4% of employed personnel, 81.5% of added value and 84.2% of sales. These same amounts in percentages over the trade sector total would be 8.3%, 7.5% and 7.7%, respectively.

Within Wholesale trade ,and using Gross Added Value at factor cost as a reference, 2 groups equally stand out: Wholesale trade in machinery, equipment and supplies and Other specialised wholesale trade (includes wholesale trade in fuel, metals, building materials, ironmongery, chemical products, other semi-finished products, scrap and others). When both groups are added together they accounted for 41.9% of employed personnel, 47.8% of Added Value and 48.3% of Wholesale trade sales. With regards to the trade total they came to 13.9%, 21.8% and 25.6%.

2 groups also stand out when we look at Retail trade: Retail trade in non-specialised establishments (includes large stores and warehouses, amongst others) and Retail trade in other items in specialised establishments (includes clothes, footwear, pharmaceutical, medical, orthopaedic, cosmetic and hygiene products, watches and jewellery items and others). Its aggregation accounted for 55.4% of employed personnel, 59.4% of added value and 55.7% of sales within retail trade. With regards to the trade total, these same figures would stand at 31.6%, 26.6% and 21.1%.

For further information:

Basque Statistics Office C/ Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz Tel:+34-945-01 75 00 Fax:+34-945-01 75 01 E-mail: Contact: Aitor Oleaga Tel: +34-945-01 75 06 Fax:+34-945-01 75 01 Further press releases on the Survey on Trade and Repairs of the Basque Country Databank on Survey on Trade and Repairs of the Basque Country

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In 2010 the trade sector contributed 5496 million euros to the GDP of the Basque Country, accounting for 14% of total employment

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