Press release 18/11/2011
96% of young people who registered passed the University Entrance Exam in 2011
Higher percentage of young people passed coming from model D
A total of 10,164 young people registered for the University Access Exams in the Basque Country in 2011, according to Eustat data. Of those, a total of 9,702 passed the exams, a rate of 95.6%, with an average mark (weighted with that of the baccalaureate) of 6.8, close to a “B”. Moreover, 61% of those who registered took the exam in Basque, one and a half percentage points more than in 2010. The average mark was the same for both years.
8,517 students registered for the June exam session and 8,243 passed, that is, 96%; in the July session there were 1,718 registrations of which 1,497 young people passed, or 89%.
There was a greater female presence in the sessions, with 5,564 women (54.7%) compared to 4,600 men (45.3%). Regarding the results there was very little difference between these groups, with 95.3% and 95.6% pass rates, respectively, and an average mark that was also very similar: 6.7 for boys and 6.9 for girls.
With respect to centre ownership, 96.4% of students coming from private centres passed the exam, two percentage points more than those coming from public centres, which posted a 94.4% pass rate.
With respect to the linguistic model in which their studies were realised, the difference regarding the percentage of students who passed was four percentage points in favour of those who realised their studies in model D (97.1%) compared to 92.9% who did so in model A.
According to province, there were no significant differences in the percentage of passes in the university entrance exams: Gipuzkoa obtained 96.4%, Araba/Álava 95.6% and Bizkaia, somewhat inferior, 94.7%.
Students studying in model A in public centres obtained less favourable results
When the evolution in the percentage of passes in university entrance exams is analysed according to ownership of the centre and the language model, significant differences over the last ten years can be observed. In private centres the linguistic model is not a variable that influences the results of the entrance exams, whereas in public centres the model makes a difference.
In fact, over the last ten years, the percentage of passes in public centres of students studying in model A has oscillated between 83% and 89%, with an average of 87%. On the other hand, in the same centres, with a model D, the interval has been between 94% and 97%, with an average of 95%, that is, a difference of eight percentage points in its favour.
Contrastingly, the difference between the A and D linguistic models in private centres has been minimal, with an average of 94.8% and 95.5%, respectively, although in the last three years model D students have stood out at the top.
Graph 1.- Distribution of student passes according to centre ownership (%).
Source: EUSTAT. University Statistics 2010-11
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