Population aged 6 and over of the Basque Country by degree of dependency, by province (%). 2009-2019

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Euskal Estatistika Erakundea/Instituto Vasco de Estadística
Product list
Existence of difficulties100100100100100100100100100100100100
Does not have any92,692,093,791,793,295,291,991,993,894,191,792,9
Level of difficulty100100100100100100100100100100100100
Totally dependent on another person12,612,214,718,37,414,911,711,114,411,015,615,2
Partially dependent on another person75,673,678,157,381,274,480,275,678,776,667,878,5
It mends with difficulty7,08,87,06,710,09,65,39,47,011,17,66,3
It mends well4,85,30,117,71,51,12,83,9-1,29,0-

Date June 12, 2020

Source: Eustat. Survey on living conditions

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