Public administration (ESIa)

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Public administration (ESIa)

The "public administrations" sector (S.13) includes all institutional units that consist of other non-market producers whose production is intended for individual or collective consumption, that are predominantly funded through obligatory payments made by units belonging to other sectors and/or that carry out operations to redistribute national income and wealth. In the Basque Country in particular, the entities included in the statistical sphere are:

  • 1. Central administration
  • 2. The Basque Government
  • 3. Provincial Councils: Provincial Government and Administration Bodies that function as a Local Entity
  • 4. Town halls: Body for the representation, government and Administration of the municipalities
  • 5. Associations and Consortia: Local Entities formed through the association of municipalities that belong to one or more neighbouring provinces
  • 6. Groupings of Municipalities and Teams: Local Entities formed through the Association of municipalities which are not explicitly defined by Law, but which were created in order to achieve common goals
  • 7. Minor local entities: Local entities with a territorial scope below that of municipality, created for the decentralised Administration of separate population centres. In our case they are called Administrative Boards
  • 8. Autonomous Bodies: Public-sector Bodies established by Law with their own legal status and budget that are separate from that of the Basque Country, and which are expressly entrusted with the organisation and administration of some kind of public service and of the funds allocated to this service. They can be of 2 types:
    • Administrative: The functions they perform are exclusively administrative
    • Commercial, Industrial, Financial or Finance-related: if the activities they perform are of this nature
  • 9. Other public entities: Entities with a legal status separate from that of the Basque Country, whose purpose is to perform decentralised activities within the competence of the Basque Country, adjusted in accordance with private legislation or with their specific regulations.
    • Basque Parliament
    • Basque Accounts Committee
    • Basque Data Protection Agency
    • Economic and Social Council of the Basque Country
    • Labour Relations Board
    • Supreme Council of Basque Cooperatives
  • 10. Trading Companies: Companies in which the majority of their social capital is directly or indirectly owned by the Public Administration. All shareholdings corresponding to all types of entity are taken into account when determining majority ownership (>50%)
  • 11. University of the Basque Country/ Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea

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