Quality Datasheet: Health account

Operation Details

Name of the Operation:
Health account
Operation Type:
Methodology datasheet:
Health account

Quality Indicators

Section Indicator    + Period Real value Reference value
Accessibility and clarity Click to access information   More information 2022 4 4
Methodological documents   More information 2022 5 3
Distribution formats   More information 2022 5 6
Comparability Comparable periods   More information 2022 22 Years 10 Years of more
Comparability rate   More information 2022 100 % 100 %
Cost Total cost   More information 2022 1 1 - 5
Timeliness and appropriateness Adherence to schedule   More information 2022 100 % 100 %
Discrepancy   More information 2022 10 Months 21 Months
Pertinence Geographic disaggregation   More information 2022 2 1 - 6
Impacts   More information 2021 1 1 - 5
Satisfaction index   More information 2021 4,07 1 - 5
Level of importance   More information 2021 4,3 1 - 5
Website visits   More information 2022 2 1 - 5
Precision and reliability Sources available   More information 2022 88,20 % 100 %


The quality datasheet seeks to establish a list of quantitative indicators that reflect the quality of a specific statistical operation, for each of the quality dimensions or factors established by EUROSTAT. This quality datasheet has been prepared based on the standard quality indicators recommended by the European authority and on others based on the procedures for the EUSTAT statistical operations.

Along with the real value of each indicator, a benchmark value, whose mission is to facilitate the interpretation of the “soundness” of the given indicator, shall be added wherever possible. And in general, it shall be expressed by a minimum or maximum benchmark value of the indicator.

Indicator Descriptions

  • Accessibility and clarity
    • Click to access information

      The real value of this indicator measures the minimum number of clicks necessary to access the data tables of the statistical operation published on the website. The benchmark value taken into account was the 4 clicks needed to access the data tables of the statistical operation data.

    • Methodological documents

      The real value of this indicator shows the number of documents (reports, files, tables,...) available in the “Methodology and Quality” section of the website for each statistical operation. This indicator will also include definitions in a separate document, providing the definitions are the ones published in the appropriate section via the website. Three documents are established for reference purposes: the quality file, the methodology file and the definictions.

    • Distribution formats

      This indicator measures the number of distinct formats in which the statistical operation data are distributed. (Data tables, Press releases, Analysis of results, Databanks, Graph indicators and Yearbook). The benchmark value taken into account was the total number of distribution formats, 6, used to disseminate statistical operation data.

  • Comparability
    • Comparable periods

      This indicator measures the number of periods from the data series of the operation that appear free of “gaps”, attributable to the specific features of a certain reference period or the methodology of the operation, amongst other factors. The benchmark value proposed is the value of 10 or more years for structural operations and 15 years or more for conjectured operations.

    • Comparability rate

      The real value of this indicators is given by percentage of aspects of the metadata that are comparable to each of the Institutions or Bodies of reference. The benchmark value taken into account is the total number of aspects that can be compared with each of the Institutions or Bodies of reference, that is, 100%.

  • Cost
    • Total cost

      The real value shows the cost per operation measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum. The benchmark value is the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by these indicators (1 - 5).

  • Timeliness and appropriateness
    • Adherence to schedule

      This indicator measures the number of periods in which the schedule has been respected. The benchmark value is 100%.

    • Discrepancy

      This indicator measures the time elapsed between the end of the reference period and the date of the publication of results. The benchmark value is the number of days, weeks, months or years elapsed between the end of the reference period and the date on which the results established in the Annual Statistics Programme become available.

  • Pertinence
    • Geographic disaggregation

      Indicates the level of maximum geographical disaggregation for the data deriving from the statistics operation. It take the following values: 1 – CAE (Autonomous Community of the Basque Country) 2-Province 3-District 4-Capitals 5- Municipalities of more than 10,000 inhabitants. 6.-Municipality The benchmark value includes the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by the indicator (1 - 6).

    • Impacts

      Indicates the number of press and digital media reports measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum. The benchmark value is the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by these indicators (1 - 5).

    • Satisfaction index

      Indicates the assessment of user satisfaction with regards to operation groups, measured on a scale of 1 to 5. The benchmark value includes the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by these indicators (1 - 5).

    • Level of importance

      Indicates the importance that the user places on operation groups, measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Subject to the periodicity of the survey. The benchmark value includes the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by these indicators (1 - 5).

    • Website visits

      Indicates the number of web visits per operation measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 is the minimum and 5 is the maximum. The benchmark value is the value based on rank, minimum and maximum taken by this indicator (1 - 5).

  • Precision and reliability
    • Sources available

      Percentage of available sources for the Basque Country

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